a few of Coco's favorite things right now... helmut the whale from contemori in italy, a pair of handmade mittens from a flea market in reykjavik, and a set of colorful vintage wooden blocks from a friperie here in montréal
i'm very excited to announce a hazel & hunter giveaway with one of my favorite blogs!! visit a merry mishap for your chance to win this pillow from my new collection! thank you to the lovely jennifer xx
i've been admiring these for a while now - cute stamping sets by yellow owl workshop
here's coco and i standing on the edge of Kerið, a volcanic crater lake that is just completely amazing. the wind here was insane, but it was definitely worth the little trek to see this place.
back from iceland! it was a quick and awesome trip that still feels a little like a dream. the landscape was amazing and looks like another planet-nothing i've ever seen before... i'll be posting more photos later, but for now just a quick mention of the kisan concept store, a really great design shop that i fell in love with. they carry a ton of great designers, and even spotted some virginia johnson scarves.
i'm off to reykjavik until the end of the week for coco's first little trip! see you next week xx (first photo from -i don't remember...second photo from here)
we have a lot of great prints in our place by the amazing montréal-based design duo seripop, and coco just loves looking at them! i'm so happy she's already showing a love of art and color. she spends hours gazing and smiling at this particular print.
'the life of mr. mustache', a new book by studio violet i might have to get this for coco!
i'll be heading to reykjavik, iceland next week, and one store i definitely want to check out is the kraum design store
i'm completely in love with these textiles from wendy marchbanks. i'm so curious about her process for creating these!